Project overview

Regional Transportation Plan

The Regional Transportation Plan helps DRCOG and its many partners implement the shared aspirational vision of Metro Vision and sets the long-range vision and investment framework for the region’s multimodal transportation system.

Between four-year updates to the Regional Transportation Plan, DRCOG staff have historically provided an opportunity for project sponsors to propose targeted revisions to fiscally constrained projects in the adopted plan in a process called cycle amendments. DRCOG initiated a cycle amendments process in September, 2023 with a call for amendments.

Metro Vision

Concurrent with the cycle amendment process, staff are proposing amendments to Metro Vision performance measures and targets.

Metro Vision fulfills DRCOG’s duty to make and adopt a regional plan for the physical development of the region. The Metro Vision plan does not replace the vision of any individual community; rather, it is a tool to promote regional cooperation on issues that extend beyond jurisdictional boundaries. The plan anticipates that individual communities will contribute to Metro Vision outcomes through different pathways and at different speeds for collective impact.

As noted in Metro Vision, DRCOG may update and refine performance measures as needed, should improved methods and datasets become available.

The current amendments process is scheduled to conclude in mid-2024.

Get involved

Please review the updated documents to provide feedback on. Documents that are new or have been edited as part of this amendment process have updated titles.

DRCOG’s public review period is scheduled for March 18-April 17. We welcome your comments and input during the comment period or at the public hearing.

You may submit written comments before 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 16 by emailing Kellsie Forfar-Jones at or mailing them to DRCOG Chair, 1001 17th Street, Suite 700, Denver, CO 80202. There will also be a hybrid public hearing in front of the DRCOG Board at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, April 17.

All comments received will be provided to DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee, Regional Transportation Committee, and the Board of Directors for their consideration prior to plan adoption.