Project overview

The Brighton Core City Circulation Plan seeks to improve transportation options and safety along Bridge Street and access to Brighton’s historic downtown. The study area includes Bridge Street between the South Platte River to the west and 22nd Avenue to the east, plus about a half-mile north and south of Bridge Street. The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) is leading this study in partnership with City of Brighton. This will be a 12-month study evaluating improvements that can be made for all modes of travel along the corridor.

Share your feedback

We want to make sure this plan reflects the diverse needs and ideas of people who live, work, and travel along the corridor. Your perspective will be crucial in helping us create a representative plan that balances the needs of various community members, and we’d love for you to help guide our process!

As we kick off the first phase of the project, help us identify safety issues, mobility barriers, and opportunities for improvements in the study area. We will use your feedback to help us understand community needs and concerns and identify priorities and goals for the future of the study area.

To participate, you may:

  • Complete the survey.
  • Drop pins on the map to add comments about specific locations.

Please share this feedback opportunity with others in the community! Both activities will close at the end of the day on Friday, April 25.

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Survey: Tell us about traveling along Bridge Street today

Mapping Activity


To participate, you may complete the survey above and drop pins on the map to add comments about specific locations.

1 contributions so far
Skip to Add Marker
500 m

  • Crossings Uncomfortable crossing the street here
  • Sidewalks Sidewalks could be improved here
  • Biking Bike lane or path could be improved here
  • Transit Bus stop could be improved here
  • Safety I have a safety concern here
  • Key destination I commonly travel to this location
  • Other Other idea or concern