Alameda Corridor recommendations

After speaking with members of the communities along Alameda, collecting engagement on the website, and working with elected officials and agency staff, the Alameda Corridor project team as developed recommendations to improve Alameda in the short and long term.

These recommendations align with the project goals:

  • Improve safety.
  • Improve transit.
  • Enhance connections to community destinations and integrate with transportation network.
  • Make Alameda accessible to everyone regardless of age, race, income, gender or mobility needs.
  • Improve mobility along and across the corridor.
  • Ensure Alameda is a vibrant corridor that celebrates and supports equitable investments in its communities.

Proposed long-term transit improvements

The Alameda Corridor Plan recommends Bus Rapid Transit in the coming years along Alameda. This recommendation builds upon public feedback from Phase 1 of the study and previous efforts to improve the future of transit in the region.

Bus rapid transit is more than just transit system upgrades, but a solution that addresses multimodal issues and enhances mobility along Alameda Avenue. Below you’ll see the important features of how bus rapid transit can work in a variety of settings. These components may also be used as short-term improvements at key locations.

Explore below! Click on the “pulsing” icons on the images to get more information.

Transit signal priority

Transit signal priority prioritizes transit by adjusting signal phasing to allow a bus to move through an intersection without stopping; this helps keep the bus on time.

Bypass lane

Bus bypass lanes are short segments of bus lane that provide space for buses to get ahead of traffic, often near intersections. Bypass lanes can permit right-turning vehicles.

Queue jump signal

When there is not room for a bus to merge back into traffic after a bypass lane, a queue jump signal can be provided to give the bus a head start.

Bus-only lane

Bus lanes can be curbside, parking-adjacent or run down the center of the roadway. Typically, curbside and parking-adjacent bus lanes permit right-turns to be made from the bus lane.

Proposed intersection improvements

The Alameda Corridor Plan recommends several intersection improvements to help improve safety and make the corridor more accessible for pedestrians and bicycles. Explore examples of these recommendations below.