Project overview

Last year an estimated 300 lives were lost on our roads. Traffic safety is important to us all, and too many people are killed or seriously injured on our region’s roadways. The people in our communities are valuable, and our streets are public spaces; they are for people, not just for cars. A future with zero serious injuries and deaths on our roadways requires a shift in traffic safety culture, both within transportation agencies and other organizations, as well as within communities, to build a culture that even one traffic-related death on our roads is unacceptable.

In 2020, the Denver Regional Council of Governments adopted a Regional Vision Zero commitment to zero traffic-related fatalities and severe injuries on our roadways and make safety a priority for all users of the transportation system. While we continue to make our roads safer through engineering, education, and legislation, we must take further action, think outside our traditional silos, and work together towards an inclusive approach to roadway safety.  Learn more about DRCOG’s strategic update to recommit to the regional goal of Vision Zero below.

Please review the document provided in the document library to provide feedback on. Use the table of contents in the document to navigate to review the following updated content:

  • A letter of commitment (pg. 4-5)
  • Executive summary (pg. 6-11)
  • Proven safety countermeasures (pg. 82-86)
  • Regional implementation plan (pg. 92-111)

Staff have worked extensively and closely with stakeholders and partner agencies regionwide to strategically update Taking Action on Regional Vision Zero and re-establish how to progress in achieving our shared goal of zero traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.

The work in this plan reflects months of collaboration from stakeholders across our region through the Regional Vision Zero Working Group. The success of this plan does not rest only with DRCOG or partner agencies. It is a regional, multiagency collaborative process that will require focused efforts and cooperation to make progress towards the goal of reducing traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.

Building upon Metro Vision’s objectives, this update to Taking Action on Regional Vision Zero outlines an ambitious set of actionable strategies for DRCOG and its various partner agencies for addressing roadway safety and implementing Regional Vision Zero. To implement the plan, we have identified actions that focus on:

  • Enhancing collaboration among allied agencies.
  • Amplifying awareness and adoption of Vision Zero as a goal.
  • Retrofitting roadways to prioritize safety.
  • Refining data collection and analysis.
  • Increasing funding and resources.
  • Advocating for legislative support that translates into tangible safety improvements.

Taking Action on Regional Vision Zero by DRCOG is driven by these six objectives, forming a comprehensive strategy to ensure safer roadways across the region. It represents a proactive approach to safety through practical actions and community collaboration. With the input and support of regional partners and stakeholders, and you, together we have the capacity to bring about real change in the Denver region.

Get involved

DRCOG emphasizes the importance of gathering public input and feedback from the Denver region to ensure that the project outcomes align with the broader community's Regional Vision Zero goals, and the benefits of the Regional Vision Zero program are distributed equitably.

Please review the updated documents provided in the document library to provide feedback on. Use the table of contents in the document to navigate to review the updated content.

  • A letter of commitment from DRCOG executive director, Douglas W. Rex (pg. 4-5)
  • Executive summary (pg. 6-11)
  • Proven safety countermeasures (pg. 82-86)
  • Regional implementation plan (pg. 92-111)

Review each of the questions below. Provide your feedback in the comment boxes below each question individually. You may submit a comment for each of the questions, or you may just answer the questions where you have feedback. You may also like comments from other stakeholders to indicate your support of that feedback.

The following public feedback forum will be open through Friday, February 9, 2024.

Provide feedback

To what extent do the identified objectives and actions in the updated Regional Vision Zero implementation plan align with the region’s road safety needs?

This poll has concluded.

  • Strongly Agree
    29% (2 votes)
  • Somewhat Agree
    57% (4 votes)
  • Somewhat Disagree
    0% (0 votes)
  • Strongly Disagree
    0% (0 votes)
  • Unsure
    14% (1 vote)
Total Votes: 7

Did something in the plan inspire you to get involved and take action?

Tell us how this plan will impact you or your organization’s daily work. Will it impact your life in a significant way? How do you intend to get involved and take action to implement this plan?

What other feedback do you have?

Are there any additional actions or strategies that you think should be included in the implementation plan to enhance its effectiveness? Provide general or specific feedback on any component or section of the draft plan here!


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Emily Kleinfelter

Safety Planner

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